Meet the discovery and learning team

At the Royal Zoological Society of Scotland (RZSS), our mission is to save wildlife and empower people in Scotland and around the world to protect, value and love nature. We have pledged to create stronger connections with nature for more than a million people and enable more than 100 communities to better protect nature by 2030.

Our discovery and learning team work across Edinburgh Zoo, Highland Wildlife Park and out in schools and communities across Scotland. With their support, visitors, school children, community groups and so many others have more opportunities to be closer to nature, discover more about the wild world around them and be inspired to play a part in building a better future for wildlife.

If you have any questions, please get in touch with our discovery and learning team via

Beccy Angus Head of Discovery and Learning

IMAGE: Allie McGregor 2024

Beccy Angus

Head of Discovery and Learning

Lizzie Seymour Learning Technology Officer

IMAGE: Allie McGregor 2024

Lizzie Seymour

Learning Technology Officer

Phil Mumby Senior Interp Officer

IMAGE: Allie McGregor 2024

Phil Mumby

Senior Interpretation Officer

Ally Amasciva Community and Discovery Programme Manager

IMAGE: Allie McGregor 2024

Ally Amavisca

Community and Discovery Programme Manager

Jaima Smith

IMAGE: Allie McGregor 2024

Jaima Smith

Community and Discovery Officer

Rebecca Parr

IMAGE: Allie McGregor 2024

Rebecca Parr

Community and Discovery Officer

Karen Swift Administrator

IMAGE: Allie McGregor 2024

Karen Swift


Amy Cox 

IMAGE: Allie McGregor 2024

Amy Cox

Accessibility and Inclusion Manager

Phill Mathis Learning Manager

IMAGE: Allie McGregor 2024

Phill Mathis

Learning Manager

Blair Cockburn

IMAGE: Laura Moore 2024

Blair Cockburn

Discovery and Learning Officer

Chilean flamingo side on in water IMAGE: Amy Middleton (2022)

Jo Dove

Discovery and Learning Officer

Jess Lilley


Jess Lilley

Discovery and Learning Officer

Maurice Hickman discovery ranger

IMAGE: Allie McGregor 2024

Maurice Hickman

Discovery Ranger

Emma Ramsey

IMAGE: Allie McGregor 2024

Emma Ramsay

Discovery Ranger


IMAGE: Rebecca Parr 2023

Kali Wilson

Discovery Ranger

Jamie Norris Discovery Ranger

IMAGE: Allie McGregor 2024

Jamie Norris

Discovery Ranger

Sandie Robb

IMAGE: Rhiordan Langan-Fortune 2024

Sandie Robb

Language Project Coordinator

Jess Wise holding pond dipping specimen pot IMAGE: Unknown 2024

Jess Wise

Discovery and Learning Programme Manager

HWP ranger Jasper smiling IMAGE: Jess Wise 2024

Jasper Hughes

Senior Learning and Community Officer

Bactrian camel looking to the left IMAGE: Sian Addison 2019

Kirsten Strugnall

Learning and Community Officer

Bukhara deer Dushanbe looking at camera [eye contact] IMAGE: Amy Middleton 2023

Lorraine Rose

Discovery Ranger

Ranger Dane giving a talk looking to the left and holding a prop IMAGE: Allie McGregor 2023

Dane Stewart

Discovery Ranger

HWP ranger Stuart giving a talk in front of male polar bear enclosure IMAGE: Jess Wise 2024

Stuart Owen

Discovery Ranger