Trusts and grants

The Royal Zoological Society of Scotland (RZSS) is very grateful for support from charitable trustees and grant-makers who are helping to create a world where nature is protected, valued and loved.

RZSS is a wildlife conservation charity that receives virtually no statutory support and relies on voluntary contributions. Every year we apply for grants to deliver exciting and innovative projects that simply wouldn’t be possible without support.

Every grant given to RZSS is immediately put to good use, helping funders to make a positive difference and achieve the impact they want to make.

Blue poison dart frog looking at the camera (eye-contact) IMAGE: Laura Moore (2023)

Through their grants to RZSS, trustees and grant-makers are:

  • Supporting ground-breaking Scottish conservation projects and endangered species breeding for release programmes
  • Funding projects at Edinburgh Zoo and Highland Wildlife Park, including improvements to animal enclosures
  • Helping to conserve some of the world’s most endangered species and habitats 
  • Enabling young people to gain much-needed life-skills through nature-based learning programmes, both curriculum linked and informal
  • Strengthening under-served communities by creating opportunities to realise the mental and physical benefits of being close to nature

As an RZSS funder, you can look forward to:

  • Contact with a dedicated fundraiser to manage your grant 
  • Opportunities to choose how your support is recognised
  • Regular impact reports and updates 
  • Invitations to visit and see the impact of your support first-hand 

To discuss opportunities to support RZSS, please call 0131 314 0380 or email


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