
Wildlife needs us all more than ever and at the Royal Zoological Society of Scotland (RZSS) we know that making nature more accessible is fundamental, because people protect and value what they love and understand.

Edinburgh Zoo and Highland Wildlife Park are our charity's gateways to the natural world where learners can experience nature and be inspired to help protect animals in Scotland and around the world.

From nursery to tertiary and beyond, encompassing both formal and informal learning, RZSS teams create and deliver unique experiences for learners and daily visitors, encouraging excitement and exploration though interactive learning programmes and interpretation.

Wherever you're learning, we're here to support you!

Sumatran tiger Dharma looking directly at camera surrounded by trees IMAGE: Rebecca Parr 2022

Learn at the zoo and park

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Goeldi's monkey magic forest sitting on branch in outdoor area looking up surrounded by leaves Image: AMY MIDDLETON 2023

Learn at home

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Discovery and learning

Our discovery and learning team work across Edinburgh Zoo, Highland Wildlife Park and out in schools and communities across Scotland. 

With their support, visitors, school children, community groups and so many others have more opportunities to be closer to nature, discover more about the wild world around them and be inspired to play a part in building a better future for wildlife.

Meet the team
Ranger Dane giving a talk looking to the left and holding a prop IMAGE: Allie McGregor 2023