RZSS WildGenes Biobank

Based within a hidden area at Edinburgh Zoo is the RZSS WildGenes Biobank.
The RZSS WildGenes Biobank facility houses biological samples for the European Zoo and Aquaria (EAZA) community as one of four European Biobank Hubs. We are working with the EAZA Biobank to collect and store thousands of samples from across UK zoo and aquarium collections for conservation research and populations management.
The RZSS WildGenes Biobank also houses samples for the CryoArks initiative, which aims to create the UK's first comprehensive zoological biobank by bringing together biological samples held in disconnected collections across zoos, museums and academic collections, to improve visibility and accessibility.
Our biobank facility offers physical storage (at -80ºC), a searchable database, on-site assistance in archiving sample material, and advice on biobank sample collection during routine veterinary care and fieldwork.
The RZSS WildGenes Biobank, together with the EAZA Biobank and CryoArks, promotes the valuable role that zoological biobanking can play in supporting conservation and the long-term preservation of biodiversity to a wide range of audiences across research and public sectors.
Our Partners and Funders
Project type

Conservation genetics